Are you an active duty wounded, ill, or injured service member looking for a civilian educational or employment opportunity to help you prepare for your transition out of the military?
The Education and Employment Initiative (E2I) is a Department of Defense (DOD) program that assists wounded, ill, and injured service members early in their recovery process to identify their skills and match them with the education and career opportunities that will help them successfully transition to civilian life.
E2I is available to all wounded, ill, and injured service members in all branches of the military services, as well as all components of those services: Active, Guard and Reserve. If you are a wounded, ill, or injured service member looking for an opportunity like this or are a Transition Coordinator and know of a wounded, ill, or injured service member who would benefit from E2I, please contact us at or contact your E2I Regional Coordinator today!
Our Regional Coordinators
E2I’s Regional Coordinators are located throughout the United States. These individuals work with wounded, ill, and injured service members to identify skills, career opportunities that match those skills, and determine educational requirements for a desired career path.
The Regional Coordinators establish and maintain relationships with private, public, and nonprofit sector employers interested in helping place wounded, ill, and injured service members into new careers. They also collaborate with educational programs that supply training, certifications, and licenses necessary for future careers.
By identifying local workforce trends and needs, as well as establishing strategic partnerships with employers from a vast spectrum of industries, the Regional Coordinators assist both the employers and the service members in making successful career choices.

Our Partners
E2I’s collaborative effort with the Department of Labor (DOL) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) gives wounded, ill, and injured service members access to the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Services program, which aids with their recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration into the civilian environment. These efforts, in conjunction with military transition services among each branch, provide the necessary support for wounded, ill, and injured service members to achieve their goals.
Federal agencies and private sector employers that support and participate in E2I develop direct connections with skilled military personnel who are productive from day one. They also reap the benefits that come from access to highly trained and reliable leaders who produce results while working in high-stress, challenging environments.
Participation Form
Wounded, ill, and injured service members eligible to participate in E2I should contact their Regional Coordinator to request an application.
Contact Us
For more information on E2I, please contact us at or contact your E2I Regional Coordinator today via the map below.